Quiz! Is a TTLT trip right for you?

It makes our explorer hearts happy to see that we’re all returning to travel and connecting with one another again. If you’re looking to travel to Japan, Italy, or Peru this year, we might have the perfect trip or travel service for you! But first, let’s see what’s the best fit for you based on your travel style.

Take this quick 5-question quiz below and then tally up how many A’s, B’s, and C’s you have at the end, then see which TTLT travel service is right for you!

1. Do you enjoy making friends when you travel?

A. Yes, I enjoy meeting new people.

B. I usually travel with my friends or family so I don’t go out of my way to meet people.

C. Not really, I enjoy traveling alone and spending quality time with myself.

2. Do you like having a detailed itinerary when you travel?

A. Yes, I enjoy knowing what I’m doing each day and filling each day with activities.

B. A little bit, I like structure in my trip but also time for spur-of-the-moment decisions.

C. Not really, I prefer to make spontaneous decisions throughout the day.

3. Do you like exploring with local guides?

A. Yes, I like learning details I wouldn’t be able to learn on my own and going places I wouldn’t be able to find by myself. 

B. Sometimes, guides make it easy to see a lot with minimal effort which I like.

C. No, I prefer to wander and explore on my own.

4. How important is food when you travel?

A. I want to eat something delicious at every single meal if it’s possible.

B. I’ll make sure that at least one or two meals are delicious and intentional but it’s not a priority for me.

C. Food is not a priority for me when I travel.

5. What hotel accommodations do you like?

A. I want to stay somewhere with all the comforts of home but that also feels special to the destination.

B. I just need a comfy bed and running water.

C. I can sleep anywhere, so I opt for the cheapest hotel accommodations.

If you answered mostly A…

Your travel style matches our TTLT group trips perfectly. You value connection and exploration beyond the tourist stops & frequently-visited restaurants. You want to learn about local culture and taste delectable cuisines with local guides and chefs who know their stuff. You want to do it all and at the same time, you don’t want to spend hours sifting through recommendations and planning the perfect trip. You trust the folks who have been there, done that, and have the local relationships to elevate your trip into a relaxing and effortless experience. Lucky for you, we have just the thing! Check out our current small group trips - Heart of Italy, Taste of Peru, and Inside Japan.

If you answered mostly B…

Your travel style matches our Travel Consultation Service! You want to learn from an expert how to create thoughtful experiences and the best ways to visit and explore your destination, but at the same time, you want more control over your itinerary. You also want to make travel easier and want to have insider knowledge, tips and tricks from somebody with local experience who knows where to go, and when to go, and can help identify specifically what would be best for your travel style. You may even want to hand over the bookings so you can focus on traveling and less on the administrative work. It’s the best of both worlds! Send us a message to get more details.

If you answered mostly C…

Your travel style matches our Pocket Guides + free resources! You want all the freedom to plan your itinerary exactly how you want it and half the fun is getting into the weeds of researching what looks good and what doesn’t. But you know it’s important not to go empty-handed. You can sift our blog for tips and tricks, and if you need a little more support you can book a travel consultation with one of our destination experts.


No matter how you travel, we always recommend purchasing travel protection to safeguard against sudden changes or cancellations. If you don’t already have a preferred vendor, you can check out ours - Travel Insured - who offers a “Cancel for Any Reason” policy. 


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