8 Useful Japanese Phrases for Dining Out in Japan

When dining out in Japan, it's not only about savoring delicious food but also embracing the cultural nuances that surround the culinary experience. Carly has compiled the 8 most useful Japanese phrases for dining out when you’re in Japan.

 If you’re looking for a trip to Japan in the future, check out our culinary small-group trip to Japan or we can plan a private trip for you and your group! 

Here are eight useful Japanese phrases for dining out to know:


"Itadakimasu" (いただきます)

Before you start your meal, it's customary to say "Itadakimasu," which loosely translates to "I humbly receive." This phrase expresses gratitude for the meal you are about to enjoy and shows respect for the food, the people who prepared it, and the ingredients used. It's important to know this phrase as it reflects the Japanese value of showing appreciation for the sustenance you're about to receive, fostering a sense of mindfulness during the meal.


"Gochisousama deshita" (ごちそうさまでした)

After finishing your meal, you should say "Gochisousama deshita," which can be translated as "Thank you for the meal" or "It was a feast." This phrase expresses gratitude to the host or the restaurant staff for their hospitality and the delightful dining experience they provided. It's a polite and respectful way to conclude your meal, and it's important to know as it reflects your appreciation for the service and the food.


"Sumimasen" (すみません)

"Sumimasen" means "excuse me" or "I'm sorry." You can use this phrase to get the attention of waitstaff, to apologize if you accidentally bump into someone, or if you have a request during your meal. It's a versatile phrase and knowing it will help you navigate various situations while dining in Japan, ensuring politeness and courtesy in your interactions.


"Oishii" (おいしい)

When you find the food delicious, express your delight by saying "Oishii," which means "delicious" or "tasty." This phrase conveys your enjoyment of the meal, and it's appreciated by chefs and restaurant staff, as it lets them know that their culinary efforts were successful. Sharing your positive feedback using this word is a great way to connect with locals and create a memorable dining experience.


"Kore ni shimasu" (これにします)

When perusing a menu or pointing at a dish in a food display, use "Kore ni shimasu," which translates to "I’ve decided on this." It's essential to know this phrase as it simplifies the ordering process and ensures that you get the dish you desire. This straightforward request is polite and straightforward, making it easier for both you and the restaurant staff.


"Osusume wa nan desu ka?" (おすすめは何ですか?)

"Osusume wa nan desu ka?" translates to "What do you recommend?" Asking for recommendations allows you to explore local specialties and helps you make informed choices, enhancing your dining experience.


"Omizu onegaishimasu" (お水をお願いします)

When you'd like a glass of water, you can use this phrase, which means "Water, please." Staying hydrated while dining is essential, and this polite request ensures you have a comfortable meal.


"Okaikei onegaishimasu" (お会計お願いします)

When you're finished dining and ready to pay, saying "Okaikei onegaishimasu" signals to the staff that you'd like the bill. This phrase ensures a smooth and efficient end to your meal.


Incorporating these useful Japanese phrases for dining out in Japan into your dining experience not only demonstrates respect for the culture but also enhances your interactions with locals and ensures a smoother and more enjoyable culinary journey in Japan.

If you want to know more than useful Japanese phrases for dining out and get personalized assistance with your Japan trip, our travel consulting will connect you with Carly our Japan destination expert and Inside Japan tour host. She can answer any other questions you might have about what it’s like to travel in Japan, other ways you can prepare for your trip, and even build your itinerary for you depending on what you want to do and see.

Or if you’d like to travel with Carly to Japan in 2024, we are running a handful of Inside Japan culinary small group trips. These trips are full of exclusive experiences where you get to participate in Japanese culture and immerse yourself in local flavors. If you’re an inspired traveler who wants to connect with like-minded travelers who share your passion for cuisine and culture, they’re for you! 


Written by Carly Dela Cruz, Operations Manager and Inside Japan Tour Host


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